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The Offering of Isaac Act VIII: Generational Lies

In the latest installment of The Offering of Isaac series, Pastor Omar delivers a powerful conference-style message that uncovers deep, biblical revelations about Sarah’s death, deception, and the consequences of generational lies.

While the Book of Genesis provides a broad account of Sarah’s passing, the Book of Jasher offers deeper insight into the circumstances surrounding her death. This message brings to light how Satan deceived Sarah, filling her with fear and distress as Abraham was offering Isaac on the mountain. At the core of this message is a crucial principle:

“Don’t Lie So Easily” – The Hidden Dangers of Deception

Lying has become normalized in society, often dismissed as harmless or insignificant. Yet, even the smallest lie can create an entry point for the enemy, leading to consequences far greater than we anticipate. Pastor Omar highlights how Abraham, though obedient to God, did not fully disclose his intentions to Sarah before taking Isaac to Mount Moriah. This omission left Sarah vulnerable to Satan’s deception, ultimately leading to her untimely death.

Many men today, in pursuit of spiritual, career, or personal goals, may unintentionally neglect their families. Pastor Omar presents a revelation that challenges men to prioritize their households before anything else—including ministry. A man’s first responsibility is to his home, his wife, and his children, and it is by fulfilling this role that he becomes qualified to serve in God’s house.

The Greatest Lies Ever Told

As the sermon unfolds, Pastor Omar exposes four monumental lies that have shaped modern society, leading many away from God’s truth:

1. The Big Bang & Evolution – A Direct Contradiction to Creation

The scientific theory that the universe came from a chaotic explosion contradicts the biblical account of creation. Pastor Omar challenges this perspective, stating that nothing in history has ever been created by an explosion—destruction does not produce order. The idea that humans evolved from monkeys is another deception, as the Bible clearly states in Genesis 1:27 that we were made in the image of God.

2. The Shape of the Earth – A Biblical Perspective

Pastor Omar explores a controversial yet scripturally supported belief that the earth is flat, stationary, and covered by a firmament as described in the Bible. Rather than revolving around the sun at high speeds in an endless universe, the sun and moon rotate within the firmament, created for the benefit of mankind.

3. The Moon Landing – A Grand Illusion?

Another great deception is the claim that mankind traveled to the moon in the 1960s. With today’s advanced technology, why has no one returned? How could they achieve such a feat with a computer the size of a building, yet fail to do so with today’s cutting-edge advancements? Pastor Omar challenges listeners to seek the truth and question the narratives fed to us by worldly authorities.

Exposing Lies, Embracing Truth

This revelatory message encourages believers to seek truth in God’s Word rather than blindly accepting societal norms. The enemy operates through deception, and many of the world’s most accepted “truths” are rooted in lies. As believers, we must stand firm in biblical truth and not be swayed by the agenda of the enemy.

Pastor Omar’s teaching is a must-hear message that challenges conventional thinking and encourages us to question the lies that have shaped generations. Share this powerful sermon with friends and family—because as Jesus declared:

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32

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