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© 2021 Philadelphia Christian Church | All Rights Reserved





  •         It focuses our hearts on our true treasure which is Christ (Matthew 6:21)
  •         It is an acknowledgment that God is the owner of everything. (I Chronicles 29:11-12)
  •         It turns our focus from the idolatry of money to serving God (Luke 16:11-13)
  •         It is an expression of our love for God and our devotion to Him.

1. Text the amount you would like to give to 337-214-0707


2. If this is your first time giving, you will be prompted to visit a secure URL (website)


3. Once you click the registration link, you will enter your credit or debit card information.


4. At this point your donation will process.


5. You will see a confirmation text showing your donation and registration were successful.

Tips for Future Text-Giving Donations:


If you only text a monetary value, the funds are attributed to Philadelphia's default fund.


(Ex: $50 = will go to default fund)



If you text "FUNDS" you will receive a reply text including a list of the fund names they can choose to donate to.



If you text the amount + fund name : the funds will be attributed to that fund name.


(Ex: $10 Building)



If the fund name you texted does not match : you will receive a message with a list of fund names for you to choose from. Respond with the number of the correlating fund.




If you text "HELP" you will receive a reply text that states: "To give enter the amount you want to give, such as 100. You can also give to a specific fund by typing it after your amount, such as 100 building fund".




If you text "RESET" you will receive a replay text that states: "Saved card information successfully removed. Please register your card information again when making your next gift by texting an amount to this number.

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© 2021 Philadelphia Christian Church | All Rights Reserved