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  •         It focuses our hearts on our true treasure which is Christ (Matthew 6:21)
  •         It is an acknowledgment that God is the owner of everything. (I Chronicles 29:11-12)
  •         It turns our focus from the idolatry of money to serving God (Luke 16:11-13)
  •         It is an expression of our love for God and our devotion to Him.

1. Text the amount you would like to give to 337-214-0707


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3. Once you click the registration link, you will enter your credit or debit card information.


4. At this point your donation will process.


5. You will see a confirmation text showing your donation and registration were successful.

Tips for Future Text-Giving Donations:


If you only text a monetary value, the funds are attributed to Philadelphia's default fund.


(Ex: $50 = will go to default fund)



If you text "FUNDS" you will receive a reply text including a list of the fund names they can choose to donate to.



If you text the amount + fund name : the funds will be attributed to that fund name.


(Ex: $10 Building)



If the fund name you texted does not match : you will receive a message with a list of fund names for you to choose from. Respond with the number of the correlating fund.




If you text "HELP" you will receive a reply text that states: "To give enter the amount you want to give, such as 100. You can also give to a specific fund by typing it after your amount, such as 100 building fund".




If you text "RESET" you will receive a replay text that states: "Saved card information successfully removed. Please register your card information again when making your next gift by texting an amount to this number.

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